March 23, 2014


            The book divergent was an interesting choice that I pulled off of the shelf. I never imagined myself reading a book with such irony. The action that happens though out the four hundred pages will keep you wide-awake and enjoying every word, every second or every minute you spend with the book open. It has a wonderful romantic edge to it as well. With Tris and Four sharing the same qualities and draws them in towards each other, creating a type of bond that many humans can not make with one another.  The romance keeps a juvenile side to the book which will attract all kinds of ages. I learned a majority of lessons through this book and would suggest it to whom would be interested in a thriller, romance, and action book. I leaned to chase after who you are and protect who you are until the day you die because sometimes you will die unwillingly and before you hope to. Never take any one for granted, for their knowledge might be wiser than yours. Keep your heart open to those who are willing to love you for who you are. Tris and Four opened themselves up to the world of harmful actions and through that they became happier than the rest of the world.

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